What is Response to Intervention?
The Chariho Regional School District believes in providing a high quality education for every student. To meet this goal, we have adopted a three-tiered approach to instruction. This process, nationally known as Response to Intervention (RtI), gained attention when federal law established these practices as an approach to identify and provide early intervention to struggling students. RtI supports the experts in the school as they determine, implement, monitor, and address the specific needs of the student. This multi-tiered system of support guides the provision of both high-quality core educational experiences in a safe and supportive learning environment for all students and academic and/or non-academic targeted interventions/supports for students who experience difficulties. Students will strive when supported by a structured, tiered system of support and interventions, with an emphasis on proactive and universal tier one supports.
RtI ensures that academic and/or non-academic concerns are addressed quickly, with proven, research-based teaching strategies and interventions.

The RtI process allows us to identify specific student need and to provide supports to quickly close achievement gaps. Interventions occur for six-weeks or more depending on need. The student's progress is directly and frequently monitored to make sure they are responding to the intervention. If you would like to learn more about Chariho's RtI process, please contact your child's teacher or the building principal or assistant principal.
Click on the links below to view RtI-related websites:
RtI Action Network: (http://www.rtinetwork.org)
Intervention Central: (http://www.interventioncentral.org/)
National Center on Response to Intervention: (www.rti4success.org)
PBIS World (www.pbisworld.com)
For additional information on RtI, please visit the resources below: