Parent/Guardian/Student Access
Students in grades 5 through 12 and their parents can access grade and attendance information on-line!
Create a Parent PowerSchool Account

Click Here for PowerSchool Parent/Guardian/Student Logon
- Important: All parents and guardians will need to create an account to access PowerSchool.
You will be able to access all of your students' PowerSchool information (grades 5 through 12) with a single account.
Please see the PowerSchool 7 Parent Portal User Guide for more details.
- Students in grades 5-12 should continue to use their individual PowerSchool usernames and passwords.
- Please note that PowerSchool passwords are now case-sensitive. Most passwords should be entered in all uppercase.
General Instructions
Usernames and passwords will not be given out over the telephone or via email, but will be mailed to the home address on file. Students in grades 5 through 12 who need their PowerSchool user ID and password should stop by their school's main office.